Mesh statistics report#

To generate a mesh statistics report, you use the mesh_statistics module and CCL (CFX command language) queries. This example shows how to generate a mesh statistics report for the blade model in the Basic mesh generation example.

Jinja is used to generate this report in HTML format, starting from the report_template.html file.

Report for rotor37#

Report for rotor37.

Perform required imports#

Note: This example requires the jinja2 module to be installed before python is executed:

$ python -m pip install Jinja2

Perform the required imports.

from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date
import os.path as ospath

from ansys.turbogrid.api.CCL.ccl_object_db import CCLObjectDB
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader

from ansys.turbogrid.core.launcher.launcher import get_turbogrid_exe_path, launch_turbogrid
from ansys.turbogrid.core.mesh_statistics import mesh_statistics

Set up a TurboGrid session#

Set up a TurboGrid session with a basic case and mesh, similar to the Basic mesh generation example.

turbogrid = launch_turbogrid()
exec_path = get_turbogrid_exe_path()
turbogrid_install_location = "/".join([:-2])
turbogrid_install_location = turbogrid_install_location.replace("\\", "")
examples_path_str = turbogrid_install_location + "/examples"
if not ospath.isdir(examples_path_str):
    print("examples folder not found in the TurboGrid installation")
turbogrid.read_inf(examples_path_str + "/rotor37/BladeGen.inf")
turbogrid.unsuspend(object="/TOPOLOGY SET")

Determine domains#

Determine which domains are available by querying the CCL (CFX command language).

ccl_db = CCLObjectDB(turbogrid)
domain_list = [obj.get_name() for obj in ccl_db.get_objects_by_type("DOMAIN")]

Set up case details#

Set up the information to show under “Case Details” in the report.

case_info = OrderedDict()
case_info["Case Name"] = "rotor37"
case_info["Number of Bladesets"] = ccl_db.get_object_by_path("/GEOMETRY/MACHINE DATA").get_value(
    "Bladeset Count"
case_info["Report Date"] =

Create MeshStatistics object#

Create the MeshStatistics object for obtaining the mesh statistics.

ms = mesh_statistics.MeshStatistics(turbogrid)

Calculate and store mesh statistics#

Calculate and store the basic mesh statistics for each domain separately and for all domains.

domain_count = dict()
for domain in domain_list:
    domain_count[ms.get_domain_label(domain)] = ms.get_mesh_statistics().copy()

Check loaded mesh statistics#

Check the currently loaded mesh statistics to ensure that they are for all domains.

all_dom_stats = ms.get_mesh_statistics()

Get mesh statistics table information#

Get the mesh statistics table information in a form that can easily be used to generate the table in the report.

stat_table_rows = ms.get_table_rows()

Generate histograms#

Generate histograms for all required mesh quality measures.

hist_var_list = ["Minimum Face Angle", "Skewness"]
hist_dict = dict()
for var in hist_var_list:
    file_name = "tg_hist_" + var + ".png"
    var_units = all_dom_stats[var]["Units"]
    if var_units == "rad":
        var_units = "deg"
        variable=var, use_percentages=True, bin_units=var_units, image_file=file_name, show=False
    hist_dict[var] = file_name

Quit session#

Quit the TurboGrid session as all of the relevant information has now been assembled.


Set up Jinja library#

Set up the Jinja library with the relevant template and data.

You must have a local (downloaded) copy of the report template report_template.html. This is located in the examples directory of the pyturbogrid source code. If you do not have the pyturbogrid source code available, the template can be downloaded from report_template.html.

The python command below assumes that the example is being executed by running the script non-interactively and that the report_template.html file is located in the same directory as the script. Otherwise, ospath.dirname(__file__) must be replaced with the name of the folder that contains the report_template.html file.

environment = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(ospath.dirname(__file__)))
html_template = environment.get_template("report_template.html")
html_context = {
    "case_info": case_info,
    "domain_count": domain_count,
    "stat_table_rows": stat_table_rows,
    "hist_dict": hist_dict,

Generate report#

Generate the HTML report.

filename = f"tg_report.html"
content = html_template.render(html_context)
with open(filename, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as message:
    print(f"... wrote {filename}")

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