Go to the end to download the full example code.
Mesh statistics report#
To generate a mesh statistics report, you use the mesh_statistics
and CCL (CFX command language) queries. This example shows how to generate
a mesh statistics report for the blade model in the Basic mesh generation
Jinja is used to generate
this report in HTML format, starting from the report_template.html
Report for rotor37#

Perform required imports#
Note: This example requires the jinja2 module to be installed before python is executed:
$ python -m pip install Jinja2
Perform the required imports.
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date
import os.path as ospath
from ansys.turbogrid.api.CCL.ccl_object_db import CCLObjectDB
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from ansys.turbogrid.core.launcher.launcher import get_turbogrid_exe_path, launch_turbogrid
from ansys.turbogrid.core.mesh_statistics import mesh_statistics
Set up a TurboGrid session#
Set up a TurboGrid session with a basic case and mesh, similar to the Basic mesh generation example.
turbogrid = launch_turbogrid()
exec_path = get_turbogrid_exe_path()
turbogrid_install_location = "/".join([:-2])
turbogrid_install_location = turbogrid_install_location.replace("\\", "")
examples_path_str = turbogrid_install_location + "/examples"
if not ospath.isdir(examples_path_str):
print("examples folder not found in the TurboGrid installation")
turbogrid.read_inf(examples_path_str + "/rotor37/BladeGen.inf")
turbogrid.unsuspend(object="/TOPOLOGY SET")
Determine domains#
Determine which domains are available by querying the CCL (CFX command language).
ccl_db = CCLObjectDB(turbogrid)
domain_list = [obj.get_name() for obj in ccl_db.get_objects_by_type("DOMAIN")]
Set up case details#
Set up the information to show under “Case Details” in the report.
case_info = OrderedDict()
case_info["Case Name"] = "rotor37"
case_info["Number of Bladesets"] = ccl_db.get_object_by_path("/GEOMETRY/MACHINE DATA").get_value(
"Bladeset Count"
case_info["Report Date"] =
Create MeshStatistics
Create the MeshStatistics
object for obtaining the mesh statistics.
ms = mesh_statistics.MeshStatistics(turbogrid)
Calculate and store mesh statistics#
Calculate and store the basic mesh statistics for each domain separately and for all domains.
domain_count = dict()
for domain in domain_list:
domain_count[ms.get_domain_label(domain)] = ms.get_mesh_statistics().copy()
Check loaded mesh statistics#
Check the currently loaded mesh statistics to ensure that they are for all domains.
all_dom_stats = ms.get_mesh_statistics()
Get mesh statistics table information#
Get the mesh statistics table information in a form that can easily be used to generate the table in the report.
stat_table_rows = ms.get_table_rows()
Generate histograms#
Generate histograms for all required mesh quality measures.
hist_var_list = ["Minimum Face Angle", "Skewness"]
hist_dict = dict()
for var in hist_var_list:
file_name = "tg_hist_" + var + ".png"
var_units = all_dom_stats[var]["Units"]
if var_units == "rad":
var_units = "deg"
variable=var, use_percentages=True, bin_units=var_units, image_file=file_name, show=False
hist_dict[var] = file_name
Quit session#
Quit the TurboGrid session as all of the relevant information has now been assembled.
Set up Jinja library#
Set up the Jinja library with the relevant template and data.
You must have a local (downloaded) copy of the report template
This is located in the examples directory of the pyturbogrid source code. If
you do not have the pyturbogrid source code available, the template can be
downloaded from report_template.html.
The python command below assumes that the example is being executed by running
the script non-interactively and that the
file is located in the same directory as the script.
Otherwise, ospath.dirname(__file__)
must be replaced with the name of the
folder that contains the report_template.html
environment = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(ospath.dirname(__file__)))
html_template = environment.get_template("report_template.html")
html_context = {
"case_info": case_info,
"domain_count": domain_count,
"stat_table_rows": stat_table_rows,
"hist_dict": hist_dict,
Generate report#
Generate the HTML report.
filename = f"tg_report.html"
content = html_template.render(html_context)
with open(filename, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as message:
print(f"... wrote {filename}")