
Module for facilitating analysis of mesh statistics.


MeshStatistics(turbogrid_instance[, domain])

Facilitates analysis of mesh statistics for the current mesh in a running session of TurboGrid.

class ansys.turbogrid.core.mesh_statistics.mesh_statistics.MeshStatistics(turbogrid_instance: PyTurboGrid, domain: str = 'ALL')#

Bases: object

Facilitates analysis of mesh statistics for the current mesh in a running session of TurboGrid.


__init__(turbogrid_instance[, domain])

Initialize the class using a connection to a running session of TurboGrid.

create_histogram(variable[, domain, ...])

Create a histogram of mesh statistics using Matplotlib.


Get suitable label text for a domain.


Get the basic mesh statistics from the cached mesh statistics.


Get a text version of the mesh statistics table from the cached mesh statistics.


Get the mesh statistics table data from the cached mesh statistics.


Re-read the mesh statistics from TurboGrid.


Write the mesh statistics table to a CSV file.



Domain that was used for the last update of the mesh statistics.


Interface to a running session of TurboGrid.


Cache of the basic mesh statistics obtained by the last call to the update_mesh_statistics() method or from the initialization of the object if this method has not been called.

__init__(turbogrid_instance: PyTurboGrid, domain: str = 'ALL')#

Initialize the class using a connection to a running session of TurboGrid.



Running session of TurboGrid.

domainstr, default: "ALL"

Name of the domain to get the initial statistics from. The default is "ALL", in which case statistics are read for all domains.

create_histogram(variable: str, domain: str = 'ALL', use_percentages: bool = True, bin_units: str = '', image_file: str = '', show: bool = True) None#

Create a histogram of mesh statistics using Matplotlib.



Mesh statistics variable to use for the histogram.

domainstr, default: "ALL"

Domain name to get statistics for. The default is "ALL", in which case statistics for all domains are read. If a specific domain name is supplied, statistics are read for only this domain. Cached mesh statistics are not used or affected.

use_percentagesbool, default: False

Whether to display the percentage values of the bin counts for the histogram. The default is False, in which case the actual bin counts are shown.

bin_unitsstr, default: ""

Units for the mesh statistics values (x-axis labels). The default is "", in which case the current TurboGrid units are used.

image_filestr, default: ""

Name and extension for the image file to write the histogram to. The default is "", in which case no image file is written. The format is determined by the file extension (such as .png) given in the file name. Available formats are those supported by Matplotlib, including ".png", ".pdf", and ".svg".

showbool, default: True

Whether to display the image on the screen. If False, the image is not displayed on the screen, which is only useful if the image is being written to a file.

current_domain: str = ''#

Domain that was used for the last update of the mesh statistics. See the mesh_vars attribute.

get_domain_label(domain: str) str#

Get suitable label text for a domain.



Name of the domain to generate the label from.



"All Domains" is returned if "ALL" is the value specified for the domain parameter or "Domain: <name>" is returned if the name of a single domain is specified.

get_mesh_statistics(variable: str = 'ALL') dict#

Get the basic mesh statistics from the cached mesh statistics.


variablestr, default: "ALL"

Mesh statistics variable to get statistics for. The default is "ALL", in which case a dictionary of all variables is returned.



If a single variable is specified for the variable parameter, a dictionary of the current mesh statistics values for the selected variable is returned. Otherwise, if the default value of "ALL" is used for the variable parameter, a dictionary of dictionaries (one per variable) is returned.

get_table_as_text() str#

Get a text version of the mesh statistics table from the cached mesh statistics.



Mesh statistics table in a text version.

get_table_rows() list#

Get the mesh statistics table data from the cached mesh statistics.



List of row data. Each list item represents one table row. The list item contains a list of the cell contents for each cell in the row.

interface: PyTurboGrid = 0#

Interface to a running session of TurboGrid.

mesh_vars: dict = {}#

Cache of the basic mesh statistics obtained by the last call to the update_mesh_statistics() method or from the initialization of the object if this method has not been called. The name of the domain these statistics relate to is stored as the current_domain attribute.

update_mesh_statistics(domain: str = 'ALL') None#

Re-read the mesh statistics from TurboGrid.

This method can be used either to update the cached mesh statistics after TurboGrid has remeshed or update the cached mesh statistics to use a different domain or domains.


domainstr, default: "ALL"

Name of the domain to get the statistics from. The default is "ALL", in which case statistics are read for all domains.

write_table_to_csv(file_name: str) None#

Write the mesh statistics table to a CSV file.

The values in the mesh statistics table are obtained from the cached mesh statistics.



Name of the file to write the mesh statistics table to.